Our Services
osteopathic Manipulation
Works with the structure and function of the body to optimize health and wellbeing. By putting the body in optimal alignment the bones, muscles, fascia, vascular system, lymphatic system, hormonal system and nervous system. This approach to the body help the body heal itself to enhance wellbeing and quality of life.
Craniosacral manipulation
Works with the bony, vascular, Dural and lymphatic system of the head to optimize function of Dural mechanics between cranium to sacrum .
(TRE) Trauma Release Exercise technique
Exercises that help the body go into a state which allows a deep release of tension by working on balancing sympathetic and parasympathetic tone in the nervous system. There by releasing muscle tension, stress patterns and trauma. These exercises naturally and safely activates a reflex mechanism of shaking or vibration that releases deep muscle tension which allows calming of the nervous system. When the shaking/vibrating reflex is activated in a safe and controlled environment the body can return to in natural state of balance.
Holistic approach to Medicine:
We integrate knowledge of modern medicine and latest in health and wellness to optimize patient’s wellbeing and always work to find the cause of the problem instead of masking the symptoms. Via cutting edge IV therapy, advance testing and nutrition.
Used to reduce pain and optimize healing. Work with the energy meridian’s of the body to remove blockages to resort normal function of the body. It helps to balance energy follow is the body to optimize organ and hormonal function
Used to treat anxiety, stress, and PTSD. It is a system that uses acupressure points and neural reprograming to break the short circuits in the brain the cause anxiety and stress.
IV therapy
IV vitamin drips can be used to speed up recover from colds and optimize vitamin availability for patients that have difficulty absorbing vitamins orally. IV therapy is 100 percent bioavailable for fast absorption in to the body. IV vitamins electrolytes, fluids, and mineral can put you on the fast track to healing. We also have IV glutathione, Meyers cocktail, NAD+ , high does vitamin C and many more .
rejenerative injection therapy
platelet rich plasma
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a injections of a concentration of the patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. In this way, PRP injections use each individual patient's own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.
Trigger Point INjections
Are used to treat myofascial pain, which is commonly caused by a knot in your muscle. Trigger point injections have local anesthetic in them and steroid medication. These injections are used to relax chronically tight muscles, relive plain and release restricted fascia .
A treatment that is uses for sprains, strains and partial tears of ligaments. It works by injecting a solution in the area being treated that causes an inflammatory reaction, that inflammatory reaction cause the body to lay down new collagen and strengthen the area that was sprained, strained or partial torn.
Stem Cell INjections
A treatment that is uses for cartilage damage, severe sprains, strains and non-healing partial tears of ligaments. It works by injecting a solution of totipotent cells into the area being treated , these cells then bond with damaged cells and differentiate into those cells to repair the damaged area.
Perineural therapy
Perineural injection therapy treats inflamed and injured nerves. with a dextrose solution which attaches to the trpv1 receptor on the nerve which shuts down neurogenic inflammation. Chronic nerve pain is often due to trauma, arthritis, sports, overuse, occupational, compressions and surgical injuries.
Neural Therapy
Is a set of injections that work to release the fascia in an area that has been damaged secondary to repeat injuries or trauma. Fascia is the inner lining of the body that helps hold everything in the body in place and is the main shock absorber in the body. Very common in surgical scars that cause referred or localized pain.